SCSB X-Ray Crystallography Center

SAINT Quick Users Guide


For additional help using any of the software packages please see the SOFTWARE help section of this center's HOMEPAGE.

SAINT { Top }

SAINT is a program for integrating frames, sorting refelection lists, scaling, filtering, sorting and merging of reflections. Although saint can be used to merge reflections it is recommended that XPRED is used to merge the symmetry related reflections after scaling and filtering the reflection list in SAINT. Several refinement contraints can only be entered on the command line:

SAINT is available in both DOS and UNIX versions. Only the UNIX version should be used.

saint [/k1:lattice_type] [/l1:constraint_mask] [/k2:lattice_type] [/l2:constraint_mask] [/bg:bgnd_scale] [/ls:lst_sqrs_profile] [/t:int_box] [/h:memory]

/data5/my_data>saint /k1:6 /k2:6 /l1:771 /l2:771 /bg:4  Staph. Nuclease (P41, high diffuse)
/data6/My_data>saint /k1:7 /k2:7 /l1:771 /l2:7 /h:12         Dps (P31, large unit cell)
/data4/my_data>saint /k1:5 /k2:5 /l1:771 /l2:771                      CRP ( P212121, medium cell)

A typical SAINT data processing run will take many hours. The sequence of routines is as follows:

  1. Integration: This is very slow
  2. Scaling : Calculates inter and intra-frame scalefactors
  3. Filtering: Remove outliers
  4. Scaling: Calculates inter and intra-frame scalefactor
  5. Filtering: Remove outliers, impose resolution limits
  6. Statistics: Calculates full statistics on complete reflection list
  7. SORT: Combine data from separate runs: repeat steps 2-5 before proceeding to XPREP
  8. XPREP: Merging of reflections
Note: Do not run more that ONE (1) saint data processing in any directory. (Certain temporary files are created which will be scrambled if more than one copy of saint is run.)


This routine will integrate the BRUKER2K CCD images and create a reflection list. The integration method will be either Kapsch 3-D profiling or Rossman 2-D profiling depending on the ratio Spot_Z / Frame_width. Before integration can proceed, you will need to note the following
  1. Filename of first frame.
  2. Total number of frames.
  3. Spot mosaicity (Spot_Z). Measure using the rocking curve's Full Width: SMART: GRAPH / ROCKING
  4. Spot size (Spot(XY) in degrees.
    1. Measure the FW width of the spot in pixels: SMART: GRAPH / VECTOR
    2. Then measure the 2-theta width of the detector: SMART: CURSORS / PIXEL.
    3. The spot size is given by: Spot_XY= spot_width (pixels) * detector 2-theta width (deg.) / 1024 (pixels)
  5. Compute a new orientaion matrix using the first 30 frames of data. SMART: REFL_LIST / CLEAR / THRESHOLD / INDEX / BRAVAIS / LEAST_SQRS -Note the output filename {filename.p4p}


This routine will calculate the inter-frame scale factors and apply then to all the relections in the reflection list. Symmetry equivilent reflections are not merged nor are outliers removed from the reflection list. The image can be subdivided into (1, 5, or 9) regions for calculation of the scale-factors. These micro-regions will each have different scale factors. A large number of regions is useful for making absorption and resolution dependent decay corrections, but requires a high redundency (symmetry) of data. The time decay model is for small-molecule data and not recommended for macromolecular data.


This routine is used to remove reflections from the reflection list based on input criteria.

SORT {Top}

This routine will merge the reflection list into a set of unique reflections. It is recommended by the manufacturer that the external software package XPREP is used for merging of reflections.  Use sort to combine data from 2 or more runs.  It is a good idea to SCALE & FILTER each run before combining them.


This routine will calculate statistics using the full reflection list. There are many different types of statistics calculated by this utility.



ASTRO is a program for choosing optimal data collection parameters.


SMART is a program for collecting CCD data, indexing reflection lists, and viewing CCD images.

XPREP { Top }

Xprep is a small utility for merging of symmetry related reflections in a list. It is used after SAINT has integrated, scaled, and filtered the reflection list. The file name of your unmerged but scaled and filtered hkl file and the cell parameters are prompted for after starting xprep.

>ls *.hkl *._rb
>head my_data.p4p

DOS {Top}

The following DOS commands may be usefull.

copy {filenames} {path\filename}...........COPY
move {filenames} {path\filename}...........MOVE
dir {optional path}........................LIST files
cd {path}..................................Change Directory
cd {..}....................................Back up directory tree
c {enter} ................................ cd to the C:\ HD
m {enter} ................................ cd to the m:\ HD
pwd .......................................Print Working Directory
mkdir {dirname}............................Make a New Directory
type {filenames}...........................Print file to screen
edit {filename}............................GUI file editor

Note: The DOS format change directory commands:
will also work on the SGI workstation to get you to these same directories. These call specific unix utilities and are not applicable to any other directories.
{ m: => /data4/bruker2k/, n: => /data5/, o: => /data6/ }

UNIX {Top}

The following UNIX commands may be usefull.

cp {filenames} {/path/filename}............COPY
mv {filenames} {/path/filename}............MOVE
ls [-ltr ]{optional path}..................LIST files -l:long, -t:time, -r: reverse
cd {path}..................................Change Directory
cd {../}...................................Back up directory tree
cd /data4{enter} to the /data4 HD
pwd .......................................Print Working Directory
mkdir {dirname}............................Make a New Directory
more {filenames}...........................Print file to screen, one page at a time
cat {filenames}............................Print file to screen
jot {filename}.............................GUI file editor

Note: The DOS format change directory commands:
will also work on the SGI workstation to get you to these same directories. These call specific unix utilities and are not applicable to any other directories.
{ m: => /data4/bruker2k/, n: => /data5/, o: => /data6/ }

Page created by Mark A. White on or about April 1998
1998 - Page last maintained 4/98